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Happy Birthday! 50 Hidden Gems of Greater Western New York Book Released!

December 16, 2012 3:45 pm5 commentsViews: 344

book_cover_2-01 copyHear ye! Hear Ye!

It was on the 16th day of December in the Year of Our Lord 1786, that parties of New York State and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts convened in the city of Hartford, Connecticut to resolve the matter of the disputed land claims pertaining to those lands in the western frontier of our new nation. It was on this day the Treaty of Hartford was signed, granting New York all jurisdictional rights over the lands west of Pre-Emption Line with Massachusetts retaining the sole right to pre-emptively sell that same land. This day, December 16th, shall henceforth be considered the birthday of Greater Western New York.

Pandamensional Solutions, Inc. is proud to announce a special celebratory event commemorating the 226th birthday of Greater Western New York:

The book 50 Hidden Gems of Greater Western New York has been published!


Here’s the link to the Publisher’s CreateSpace page to buy the book. It’ll be up on in a few days, but right now Amazon says to buy it through CreateSpace (which is an company).

When you buy the book, CreateSpace will ask you to set up a free account (just needs you email and a password) so it can send you emails so you can track your order.

Also, because many are looking for this book as a Christmas gift and, given the publication date, it may not be possible to receive the book in time for the Holiday, the author has created the following “Proclamation” to provide in lieu of the book. For a .pdf version, email



  • pat carosa (Nephew of author)

    This is the best book ever, every one should read it. This author is amazing!!!!!!!!!!

  • Thanks, Pat! I’ll try harder next time. I so want to earn that coveted eleventh exclamation point!

  • The Jarkinator

    Looks like a great read, I will be placing my tag near these historic sites. Look out for the JARK symbol!

  • Marybeth Whiting


    Thanks for coming out to the Akron-Newstead Rotary Club this morning to speak on topics from your book — you are a great public speaker and your information was very interesting and kept our group engaged! –a difficult thing to accomplish especially coming right out of the holiday season.

    I’ve forwarded your information to our local Historical Society president — and I know you have the contact information for our Lion’s club as well — hope to see you in Akron again soon!
    Best wishes,
    Marybeth W.

  • Near Hartford

    What about the Cottage Hotel?

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